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‘Just Mike Being Mike’: Don’t Read Into Tomlin’s Noncommittal Answers About Russell Wilson Starting, Fittipaldo Says

Related Topics: Mike Tomlin, Russell Wilson

Pittsburgh Steelers beat writers supplied head coach Mike Tomlin with ample opportunity to name Russell Wilson the starting quarterback. He turned down every opportunity, declaring that Justin Fields has his attention because he is healthy. While his responses raised some eyebrows, they don’t amount to much, says Ray Fittipaldo of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

“It’s just Mike being Mike”, the veteran beat writer said of Tomlin’s noncommittal response about Wilson. “I wouldn’t read too much into it. Having said that, I know all the national shows will run with that answer”.

I’m sure Fittipaldo is quite right about the national shows and how they will tackle Mike Tomlin’s comments about Russell Wilson.