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‘Holy Shit:’ Keeanu Benton Details Welcome-To-The-NFL Moment Where He Got ‘Tossed’

Related Topics: Keeanu Benton, Mason Cole

Keeanu Benton has looked like he’s trending in the right direction for the Pittsburgh Steelers this year. Last year, he looked like he could be a building block along the defensive line for years to come. Now, he could be blossoming in front of our eyes.

However, very few players come into the NFL and are immediately ready to play. Almost everyone has a moment where they realize just how much better NFL players are versus college players. Benton’s moment happened to come not in a game, but rather in training camp.

“Mason Cole, I link up with him, I was getting one-on-one blocks with him,” Benton said recently on The Arthur Moats Experience.