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Heyward On Why T.J. Watt Is Best In NFL: ‘His Game-Changing Plays Reflect On The Scoreboard’

Related Topics: Cam Heyward, T. J. Watt

One could make the argument that T.J. Watt should have four Defensive Player of the Year Awards by now. You can also argue for three or two, but one thing you can’t debate is that he has one. The Pittsburgh Steelers pass rusher should hit 100 career sacks early in his eighth season in 2024. He has led the league in sacks in each of the last three years in which he didn’t suffer a major injury.

And there is nobody else in the league quite like him, teammate Cameron Heyward argues. He shared why he believes that Watt is the best defensive player in the league recently on his Not Just Football podcast.