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Heath Miller Prided Himself In Taking Hits: Wanted To ‘Let Them Know That It Didn’t Bother Me’

Related Topics: Heath Miller

Toughness as an attribute in a football player is catnip to the Yinzer. That’s certainly no insult—toughness is an inherently desirable quality in an athlete, especially in a sport as physically demanding as football. And few came tougher than former Pittsburgh Steelers tight end Heath Miller.

Far from an elite athlete, Miller made a living at understanding zones and finding them. Complemented by world-class hands and a knack for requiring multiple defenders to bring him down, he made himself a nice little career, to understate it by several degrees.

Now retired for a number of years, he spoke to Bob Pompeani recently for the Steelers’ website about his time with the Steelers, including his reputation for toughness.