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Bengals Stars Seem To Second-Guess HC Zac Taylor As Playcaller

One of the most prominent trends within the NFL in recent years has been teams seeking younger offensive minds, typically playcallers, as their new head coaches, believing that this is the best way to rebuild a team, maximizing the ability to score points.

As with every other approach teams have taken in looking for their next hire, the results have been hit or miss, and the Cincinnati Bengals’ decision to hire former Rams quarterback coach Zac Taylor as their head coach in 2019 has, so far, yielded plenty of misses. They are 7-26-1 since he took over.

The most recent loss came on Sunday against the Chicago Bears, and according to ESPN’s Bengals staff writer, comments made by some of the key players on Cincinnati’s offense could point to Taylor as one of the chief problems—in his role as playcaller.