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2020 NFL Draft Player Profiles: Iowa CB Michael Ojemudia

From now until the 2020 NFL Draft takes place, we hope to showcase as many prospects as possible and examine both their strengths and weaknesses. Most of these profiles will feature individuals that the Pittsburgh Steelers are likely to have an interest in, while a few others will be top-ranked players. If there is a player you would like us to analyze, let us know in the comments below.

#11 Michael Ojemudia / DB Iowa – 6005 200

The Good

  • Very good size and length with good speed
  • Solid ability to stay with WR’s in the short area
  • Lots of experience in Zone underneath and in Cover 3
  • Reads and attacks screens well
  • Willing to fill and attempt tackles in the run game

The Bad

  • Missed with his jam often in Press
  • Allows WR’s to get in to his blind spot
  • Tight hips and adequate ability to maintain his speed after turning
  • WR’s were able to get over the top of him too easily
  • Adequate COD to click and close in Zone coverage
  • Tackling technique needs to improve to prevent slipping off of ball carriers


  • Career – 125 tackles, 87 sol0, 1.