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This Penguins team has the best and worst qualities of every recent Penguins team all in one

All season I’ve been trying to figure out what this Pittsburgh Penguins team is,and every single time I think I’ve figured it out I see something else that makes me change my mind.

Once I’ve changed my mind, I go back to seeing the positive things I saw before and change my mind again.

And once I’ve changed my mind again, I hit myself over the head with a frying pan and give up trying to figure it out because I’m probably going to be wrong anyway.

Let’s look at it like this. On one hand, I kind of like the way they are playing over the past two months and think, depending on which divisional bracket they start the playoffs in, they are totally capable of making some noise and going on a deep run because they have — when they are healthy — impact talent all over the lineup and a goalie that is playing truly great hockey.