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Pens/Sens Recap: Pittsburgh lucky to get something out of Ottawa

No new returns from injury for the Penguins on this night, using the same lines, lineup and goalie as last game.

The pre-game news is much better for the host Senators. Center Josh Norris is back in the lineup for the first time since late October.

Sens lines from the warmup.

Tkachuk Stützle Batherson
DeBrincat Norris Giroux
Brassard Pinto Gambrell
Kelly Kastelic Watson

Chabot JBD
Sanderson Hamonic
Brannstrom Holden

Talbot Starts
Forsberg— TSN 1200 (@TSN1200) January 18, 2023

First period

Tough start for Pittsburgh when Jason Zucker heads straight to the penalty box in the first minute on a somewhat questionable holding call.