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Colbert's mark on Steelers has been obvious if understated

In this age of ESPN highlights and me-first athletes thumping their chests after even the most mundane of plays, those who don't make a big deal of their accomplishments in professional sports are a rare breed.

Rarer still are those who put together Hall of Fame-type careers in relative anonymity.

General managers all over the NFL and other professional sports are quoted after every game, win or lose. They have their own regular radio and TV shows. They sometimes clash with the head coach.

And then there is Kevin Colbert.

Colbert will step down from his position as general manager of the Steelers following this weekend's draft, finishing off a 22-year career that has seen the Steelers go 226-143-3, go to three Super Bowls, winning two and posting just one losing season in that period.