After becoming blasé with and releasing ex-manager Gabe Kapler, amongst others in the team staff, earlier this offseason, the Phillies front office has been diligent in filling out their personnel vacancies. Candidly, they’ve been a little more than just diligent. I’d dare say GM Matt Klentak and Co. have done an exceptional job of assembling the proper crew to right the ship in Philly. Former Manager of the Year (2006) and WS Champ (2009) Joe Girardi was hired as manager last month. Not too long after, Bryan Price, who spent a brief stint as Reds manager from 2014-2018, was brought on a few weeks ago as the Phils’ new pitching coach- a role he’s much more accustomed to.
Phillies front office is staying ‘on brand’ with the hiring of Joe Dillon