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Sixers Film Room: How the Sixers use On-Ball Screens

The best path to weaponizing Ben Simmons on the offensive end involves minimizing his aversion to shooting, while maximizing his overpowering downhill speed. There isn’t one easy solution, but to a point, Brett Brown has succeeded in utilizing the big guard.

One play type, the pick-and-roll, Brett Brown avoids like the plague, even as it has infected today’s league like a fatal sickness. The reason Brown avoids the play is a result of fairly clear symptoms: the defender guarding Simmons comfortably goes under the impending on-ball screen, daring Simmons to shoot.

As a counter to the player diving under the screen, the former Spurs assistant calibrates the screen to a lower area of the floor: from the mid-range to the elbow, and even down to the block.