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Sixers D-Leaguer Nate Robinson makes an amazing, Globetrotter-level play

Related Topics: Delaware 87ers, Nate Robinson

At 5’9”, it’s not often that Delaware 87ers guard Nate Robinson gets to use his height to his advantage.

On Saturday night, the 32-year-old veteran did just that, in a Globetrotter-like move during a matchup against the Raptors 905.

While being guarded by 7’2” center Edy Tavares, Robinson ducked down and was able to get low enough - while dribbling - to squeeze through Tavares legs. With a surprised Tavares trailing behind, Robinson made his way to the basket, where he was fouled.


Here’s another angle:

Edy Tavares came over to set up a trap, and Nate Robinson dribbled through his legs.