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Looking Back at how the Sixers Dodged several Bullets

Being an action/sci-fi nerd enthusiast, one of my favorite movies of the last 20 years is “The Matrix”. (Hold up. Lemme check the math. Yup. Still within twenty years.)

I’ll spare you from my boring explanation of the plot. In short, computers take over the world, and there is a handful of humans fighting to preserve the human race. The movie was more a greater special effects masterpiece than story-making one with the use of “bullet time” -- which is simply Warner Bros. trademark for what’s more commonly known as flow motion or time slice.

One of the best scenes using that camera technique comes close to the end of The Matrix where Neo (played by Keanu Reeves) is dodging bullets from an Agent (a random computer that has assimilated a “body” like “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” or something).