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Tigers Lose Tight Games Versus Purdue and Drake

Related Topics: Game, Detroit Tigers, NBCSN, Pacific Ocean

OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla. - In day two of the OSU Hall of Fame Classic, the Pacific softball team dropped two tight-edged matchups against Purdue, 2-1, and Drake, 4-2, on Saturday. The Tigers have lost four straight and move to 8-14 on the season after today. Purdue improves to 4-18 while Drake goes to 14-9.

"Unfortunately, we didn't get a win today but I'm very proud of the way we showed up and competed," Head Coach Brian Kolze said. "The team's energy was fantastic and so was their fight [today]."

Pacific vs. Purdue

Pacific was locked in a tight battle in their first game of the day against the Boilermakers.