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#11 Women's Water Polo Topped By #7 Hawai'i

Related Topics: Water polo

IRVINE, Calif. - The No. 11 Pacific women's water polo team was edged by No. 7 Hawai'i, 9-7 Friday at the Tigers' opening game of the Barbara Kalbus Invitational. Kyra Christmas and Viktoria Szmodics each scored twice while Truly Dorland, Mariana Duarte, and Rachel Krieger also scored.

Alexis Hollinrake recorded six saves in goal with one steal. Hawai'i goalie Ymane Hage posted eight saves with three steals.

Christmas unwrapped the scoring with a 6-on-5 goal 2:25 into the first quarter, but Chloe Barr answered for Hawai'i on the ensuing possession.