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Senators pumped to be playing in P.E.I.

Related Topics: Kraft Hockeyville

SUMMERSIDE, P.E.I. — The full house at the morning skate told the story.

This wasn’t just going to be another ho-hum pre-season game.

As the Ottawa Senators faced off against the New Jersey Devils on Monday night in the annual Kraft Hockeyville game at the Credit Union Centre in this small city of 14,500, there was plenty of excitement as the both teams were welcomed by a red carpet to the morning skate.

Though O’Leary, P.E.I., a town of 800 located about 45 minutes from Summerside, won the Hockeyville competition in April, the decision was made to hold it at the 4,200-seat building in Summerside that more people had a chance to take part in an opportunity that doesn’t come along very often.