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If Dwight Howard wanted to come back to Orlando then why didn't Magic bring him back?

Dwight Howard's ex-Orlando Magic teammates channel Cee-Lo Green to deliver a message for their departed Superman and the hated Los Angeles Lakers. Produced by Rich Pope, Sean Pitts and Todd Stewart. Vocals by Len Xiang (, Jamaal K. Solomon and Don Hawkins.

Dwight Howard actually told his millions of Twitter followers the other day that he investigated coming back to Orlando last season, but the Magic had no interest in his return.

My immediate response: Why in the $@#$%^&!!! not?

Just the other day, one of Dwight’s Tweeps asked him this question that I will now translate from Twitter language into proper grammar and spelling: “Now that Orlando’s front office is gone, can you tell us if you were close to coming back last offseason?