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Pac-12 Bowl Game Predictions & More

The dice have been rolled for 5 weeks straight now in college football and teams across the nation have moved forward on the standings board, stalled out in place, or been knocked off completely. While nothing is certain at this point, it's still fun to take the Conference Bowl ‘Crystal Ball’ down from it's shelf and see what it forecasts.

These Pac 12 predictions are polled from an ESPN analyst; SBNation; CBS Sports; and BlockU:

Valero Alamo Bowl: UCLA vs Baylor (Other PAC 12 teams in the mix: Utah; Colorado)

Holiday Bowl: UCLA vs Michigan State (Other PAC 12 teams in the mix: Utah; Colorado)

Foster Farms Bowl: Utah vs Iowa (Other Pac 12 Teams in the mix: Utah; USC)

Hyundai Sun Bowl: ASU vs (Possible opponents: FSU; Wake Forest; Notre Dame; Miami)

Las Vegas Bowl: USC vs Boise State

Cactus Bowl: California vs Kansas State

Rose Bowl: Stanford

At Large Bids: Washington State and California

To go beyond the borders of the Pac 12, the next predictions over the horizon are the New Year’s 6 Conference Bowl Games.