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Dawson Jaramillo, Lake Oswego 4-star OL and nation's No. 59 prospect, commits to Oregon Ducks

The Oregon Ducks have experienced inconsistent results with in-state recruits for the past 12 months, losing key talents to both Washington and Notre Dame.

After proclaiming that he would "put a fence around" the home state less than six months ago, Oregon coach Willie Taggart delivered on Saturday.

Just after the spring game, Lake Oswego offensive lineman and ESPN's No. 59 prospect nationally, Dawson Jaramillo, announced his commitment to the Ducks:

I'm an Oregon Duck. Always have been, always will be. #DoSomething #quakattack18

-- Dawson Jaramillo (@dawsonjaramillo) April 30, 2017

For the 6-foot-5, 297-pound offensive lineman, the pledge is is a change from a player who recently discussed a desire to leave home for college.