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Canzano: What's wrong with the Oregon Ducks football machine? Mario Cristobal has to decide.

One of the administrative assistants at my daughter's preschool stopped me this morning because she said she came up with the perfect way to characterize the Oregon Ducks offense.

"Offensively unoffensive," she said.

I nodded.

A few steps later, another parent dropping her child said, "Wasn't that awful? I miss the Mariota days."

That's the state of the union for Mario Cristobal's program in year one, week 11. The pre-school crowd isn't having it. The Ducks are 6-4, playing one of the most favorable schedules they'll ever see. And lets be clear -- for all the practices and adjustments that were to be made last week -- exactly nothing changed in the program's 32-25 loss to Utah on Saturday.