The 2012 Olympic men’s weightlifting 94kg results could be headed for massive disqualifications.
Six of the top seven finishers’ recent retests of their doping samples from those Olympics have come up positive for the same substance (and some others for two of the lifters):
Gold: Ilya Ilyin (Kazakhstan, anabolic steroids, announced June 15)
Silver: Aleksandr Ivanov (Russia, anabolic steroid and hormone modulator, July 27)
Bronze: Anatoli Cîrîcu (Moldova, anabolic steroid, Sept. 13)
4. Andrey Demanov (Russia, anabolic steroid, July 27)
6. Intigam Zairov (Azerbaijan, anabolic steroid, July 27)
7. Almas Uteshov (Kazakhstan, anabolic steroids, July 27)
None of the athletes’ results have been stripped yet, as the International Weightlifting Federation awaits the next step from the International Olympic Committee.