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Belarusian Sprinter Who Feared for Her Safety Is Offered Asylum in Poland

TOKYO — Kristina Timanovskaya, the Belarusian Olympic sprinter who sought protection at a Tokyo airport as her nation tried to forcibly send her home from the Summer Games, has been offered asylum in Poland.

Ms. Timanovskaya, 24, entered the Polish Embassy in Tokyo on Monday and will fly to Warsaw on Wednesday, according to Alexander Opeikin, the executive director of the Belarusian Sports Solidarity Fund, a group that opposes the Belarusian government.

Mr. Opeikin said he had spoken with Ms. Timanovskaya after she decided to accept refugee status in Poland. She had said she feared for her safety in Belarus after she criticized her coaches and the country’s national committee for registering her for an event for which she had not trained.