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Knee-Jerk Reaction: Oklahoma State at West Virginia

If watching a game like that is nerve-racking enough for fans, I can’t imagine what it’s like to actually play in it.

But this team remains unfazed.

Someway, somehow, the Cowboys have won again, and their continued and somewhat inexplicable success in the win column is almost as baffling as their continued runs up the freaking middle.

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It’s almost as if they couldn’t lose if they tried. Because sometimes, it sure looks like they are trying to.

Despite repeatedly running five miles an hour into a brick wall in the middle, despite throwing interceptions to defenders basically running wide receiver routes for them, despite running a quarterback draw play in overtime on third down for a quarterback who is rarely in the game in those situations and also runs five miles an hour, despite ANOTHER extra point mistake, despite literally having about three offensive plays at this point, they won.