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Oklahoma football: Baker Mayfield's family down to few options for regaining his fourth year of eligibility

NORMAN — Baker Mayfield and his family are essentially down to one, last-ditch option for regaining the Oklahoma quarterback's fourth year of eligibility: Shame.

Mayfield has exhausted all levels of appeal at the Big 12 and NCAA levels, and a lawsuit against one or both would likely take too long to make a difference.

“Suing them doesn't do us any good,” said James Mayfield, Baker's father. “Two or three years could elapse before we got a legal rendering.

“Publicity, transparency and accountability, that's the kryptonite with the NCAA. They don't want that.”

Mayfield, who started seven games as a true freshman walk-on at Texas Tech in 2013, decided to leave the program because of his issues with coach Kliff Kingsbury.