1:10 AM - 12/1/18
1:10 AM - 12/1/18
1:09 AM - 12/1/18
1:09 AM - 12/1/18
1:07 AM - 12/1/18
Nice applause for @TheTraeYoung in his return to Oklahoma. (Check our Kent Bazemore raising the roof): https://t.co/pxf0EbZXWE
1:03 AM - 12/1/18
Dance chronicles part two featuring @taureanprince and @JusAnderson1 ud83dude02ud83dude02ud83dudd25ud83dudd25 https://t.co/aK75C7qH4E
1:02 AM - 12/1/18
Thunder are wearing the turquoise City uniforms for the third time.