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Watching College Football is Going to Get a Whole Lot More Difficult in the Coming Years

Related Topics: Tony Petitti

Once upon a time, long, long ago, you could turn on your TV on a crisp fall Saturday and know the Buckeyes would be there to watch.

In those halcyon days, known as "about half of the years in the late 90's and early 2000's", if you had a cable subscription, you were golden: ABC and the various iterations of ESPN (and whatever other channel had the out of conference opponent) had you covered with every single Ohio State game, from September through the Bowls.

Columbus Dispatch, Sept. 10, 1983

This hadn't been the norm in Ohio State football broadcasting history, and prior to the 1990's it was common for most games to be shown only after a lengthy tape delay, or sequestered entirely to radio.