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Urban Meyer Says It's “Heartbreaking” That Ohio State Isn't Playing, Reid Carrico Flies All Over the Field, and Harry Miller Continues to Show Off His Musical Prowess

Look, going back to work after a long weekend sucks, but at least you’ve got one fewer day to coast through this week.

Silver linings. Silver linings.

Word of the Day: Ambrosia.

OFFICIAL SPORTS BAR OF ELEVEN WARRIORS. Ohio State football may be on hold for the time being, but as you all know, Eleven Warriors never sleeps. Buckeye football or not, we'll be at Buffalo Wild Wings all season, and we cordially request that you join us.

Buffalo Wild Wings is now the official sports bar of Eleven Warriors, which means all fall, you'll see Eleven Warriors + Buffalo Wild Wings signage at each of their central Ohio sports bars.