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#ThrowBackThursday: Look at the Adorable Baby, Jamarco Jones

Related Topics: Coolio, Sears, Ohio State University

First, there was Happy Jamarco, a meme that would undoubtedly be a first-balloter for this site's Hall of Fame.

Now, we have Baby Jamarco, who showed his adeptness at clearing a path for other people at very early age:

Long before Jamarco Jones met Coach Mick, he was working out & training, even at 10 months old. #tbt #FamilyUnit

— FPAOS Family Unit (@fpaos_board) June 18, 2015

Those braids look like they came right out off Coolio's receding receded hairline, which makes sense, because Coolio was at the height of his powers around this time.