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Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf said she advocated for A's ballpark in meeting with Kamala Harris. Here's the full story.

On December 7, Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf issued a peculiar update from her Twitter account: that she’d “recently” met with Vice President Kamala Harris “to discuss the #BuildBackBetter agenda [and] infrastructure improvements around our future waterfront ballpark district.”

The latter half of Schaaf’s tweet caught the attention of Oakland A’s fans, who’ve been hungry for any sort of tangible updates alluding to progress (or lack thereof) at the proposed Howard Terminal development, the possible future home of the A’s if they don’t bolt to Las Vegas.

The Alameda County Board of Supervisors’ non-binding vote in late October, which indicated a willingness to potentially help fund the project, comes closest to a significant bit of news, but even that vote was couched in all sorts of caveats and disclaimers.