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Lew Wolff says one more time A’s `absolutely’ not for sale

Suggestions that Warriors’ owner Joe Lacob is interested in buying the A’s quickly reached the ear of A’s co-owner Lew Wolff Monday.

His basic response to the suggestion in the San Francisco Chronicle of Lacob’s interest was that interested or not, Lacob won’t be buying the franchise for the simple reason that the A’s aren’t for sale.

“This has come up before,’’ Wolff said. “The club is absolutely not for sale. I haven’t talked to him about it. And if I did, it would be a short conversation.’’

The Oakland Raiders are trying to put together a package where they would build a new football-only stadium on the current site of the Coliseum, but the NFL team is also looking at sharing a facility in suburban Los Angeles with the San Diego Chargers.