Mike Trout’s past...
...311 games = .311 BA
...445 games = .445 OBP
...596 games = .596 SLG
...1,002 games = 1.002 OPS— Jim Passon (@PassonJim) March 26, 2019
- Two of the game’s true veterans...
When playing the Giants it’s always great to catch up with the legend Mike Murphy. Like myself, Murph started as a batboy when the Giants moved west. Longtime respected by all former Giants. Between us...114 years of clubhouse service! #itsnotarealjob #fortheloveofthegame pic.twitter.com/s0XrBHpFRY
— Steve Vucinich (@stevevuc) March 26, 2019
- A visualization of the second and third decks of Howard Terminal.