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Edgar Allen Potpourri

Quoth the raven: SQUAAAAWWWWKKKK!!!!!! Because, you know, he’s a raven.

OK, time for some random musings around the A’s, baseball, and possibly ominous black birds...


I love Marcus Semien and would prefer him to stay with the A’s, where his east bay roots play well. But when his agent, Joel Wolfe (who I knew because he played on the 1991 Southern Oregon A’s as an outfield prospect) comes out and throws “$100M contract” out there, my first response is laughter and my second response is, “Not here, please.”

I’m not sure where the “best free agent SS since Jose Reyes” idea is coming from — agents gonna posture, I know — but for all his terrific character, improvement, and a heckuva 2019 season, Semien is still far from the guy you want to invest 9 figures in.