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Bunting: It’s Not Just For Decoration Anymore

Related Topics: Nick Allen, Max Schuemann

Sorry I’m late; I was busy protecting my dog from being eaten by a ravenous ... well anyway, in that sense I suppose I am a terrierist. Anyhoo...

Rarely do you see not one, not two, but three consecutive batters bunt — especially in today’s “grip it and rip it” baseball culture. Last night, however, the A’s did just that to push across the two winning runs in the 12th inning of a wacky 4-3 win.

So today, let’s talk bunting. A few notes from me, and then feel free to chime in...

- I think in general the A’s show terrible fundamentals when they try to bunt, but a glorious exception was Daz Cameron’s bunt single in the 12th.