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Blogfather Weighs On On The A’s Draft

Related Topics: David Forst, Tommy White

It’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for: what does some dude who blogs from his bedroom, and is often wrong about prospects, think of the A’s choices in the 2024 draft? (In fairness, everyone is often wrong about prospects and my bedroom is quite lovely.)

Here is my overall grade for the A’s, along with my take on the key first few selections. Overall grade: B. Meaning I think the A’s generally did well even if it wasn’t a 2021 OMG slam dunk.

#4: 1B Nick Kurtz

This was a crucial pick given that the A’s haven’t drafted as high as #4 for a long time and, with David Forst having botched the rebuild trades something fierce, Oakland needed to get an infusion of top talent into the system with its 2023-24 1st round selections.