Normally I write on the last day of the week, and I title my article “Good Fridays w/Padre.” For religious reasons, this is the one week of the year during which I simply cannot write that column. I also consider Maundy Thursday off limits because of the whole Last Supper thing. That left me with Palm Sunday, which was otherwise occupied by watching the basketball lads defeating a giant leprechaun and his Texan team (and I must applaud the cheerleaders’ intensity during that Pom Sunday game); Fig Monday, named for when Jesus cursed a fig tree, which I totally get because I just don’t like figs and accordingly didn’t want to write about them (and I wouldn’t mind it if the groundskeepers would somehow curse those trees that smell profoundly like body odor in Spring); and Spy Wednesday.
Spy Wednesday w/Padre: Faith, Hoops, and Charity