The era of Notre Dame's deposed former coach Charlie Weis won't be remembered for much, besides the Bush Push game, the giant contract he got out of it, and the never-to-be-spoken-of 2007 season. But what he did provide was endless quotability. The most famous one, of course, was his infamous 'decided schematic advantage' crack, made to the players the first time he met with them. But we Irish fans more often pull out his far-less-known allusion to cheeseburgers, from 2006. At the time he was complaining - more than fairly, I might add - that Florida, who was on a bye, jumped ND in the polls after the Irish rallied to beat a good UCLA team that would later knock USC out of the national title game.
Delicious Cheeseburgers: How the Bye Helped ND in the Playoff Picture