For the better part of a weekend, I decided to do a profoundly stupid Online Bit-- I changed my twitter handle to College Football Coach Search Insider and lept into the mentions of whatever coaching search speculation thread I could find to argue with people by insisting that they were wrong and my insider sources were telling me that the job belonged to someone with a profoundly dumb fake name like Trent Mandruff and Brant Mant. I did this not only because I enjoy making up stupid fake names and I need to fulfill the diseased posting compulsion that has kept me writing a blog that is read by approximately 55 people for more than a decade, but because college football coaching searches are the most insane and charmingly dysfunctional part of the sport and being exposed to one for a team I pay attention to for about a week has made me deranged.
The Wonderful Mayhem of College Football Coaching Searches