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Names of two Tar Heel trailblazers selected for UNC campus buildings

UNC Alumni Premiere Their Movie Musical, Dreaming of an Oscar
Three years ago, a team of University of North Carolina students set out on a mission to win an Oscar. By creating an original movie...
Wed Dec 1, 2021

Carolina Insider Podcast: Basketball's Big Week, Football Recap, Robbie Bach
Football's regular season came to a stunning end in Raleigh. The Tar Heels now look to a bowl game (3:18). UNC Basketball faces an important...
Tue Nov 30, 2021

Alumnus Kimathi Muiruri becomes Carolina’s 54th Rhodes Scholar
UNC-Chapel Hill alumnus Kimathi Muiruri has received the prestigious Rhodes Scholarship, making him the 54th Tar Heel to be named a Rhodes Scholar.