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The Cheerleader Who Blew the Whistle on the N.F.L. Soldiers On

Nathan Congleton/NBC, via Getty Images

ELLISVILLE, Miss. — Bailey Davis, the former Saints cheerleader who last spring took on the N.F.L. and one of New Orleans’s most beloved institutions, has had quite a year.

Appearances with high-profile personalities in television turned her into a feminist folk hero after she complained about being fired for posting a photograph of herself in a lacy outfit. Yet those actions also made her the target of online attacks, not only from angry men, but also from cheerleaders who say she has made it harder for them to do their jobs.

“It’s, ‘You got what you were asking for, you whore,’ or ‘You knew what you signed up for, you slut,’” Davis said in an interview at her home, about a two-hour drive north of New Orleans.