WEIGHT: 321 —Thick build throughout his frame with most of his weight through his quads, glutes, midsection and chest —39 starts spread across three different positions —Physical, rugged playing style with heavy hands to deliver jolt at the point of attack —Picks up and passes off basic stunts and line games —Actively looks for work when uncovered in pass protection —Does a solid job being thick on double-teams to cover up the DT and create vertical displacement —Capable puller to both sides who can chauffeur defenders around the field when he finds them on his track NEGATIVES —High-cut frame with below-average play speed and lateral movement skills —Easily moved off of his spot when facing shifty interior rushers who set up their moves with stutters and hesitations, creating open lanes and immediate penetration —Struggles to redirect and mirror against post-snap and sudden movement across his face —Feet lag behind his eyes and has a bad habit of lunging and leaning into blocks, leaving him vulnerable to the push-pull and being late to locate moving targets —Tardy with his hands when rushers can set up their moves with misdirection and suddenness 2020 STATISTICS —Started 10 games at left guard NOTES —Invited and participated in the 2021 NFLPA Collegiate Bowl —45 game appearances with 39 career starts; 10 at left guard in 2020, 11 at left tackle/1 at left guard in 2019, 12 at right guard/1 at left guard in 2018 and four starts in 2017 —Multiple year SEC Honor Roll selection —Named co-offensive scout team player of the year in 2016 —Was on Bruce Feldman’s ‘Freak’ list for a 31.
HEIGHT: 6'3 3/8"
Sadarius Hutcherson NFL Draft 2021: Scouting Report for Tampa Bay Buccaneers OL