The Premier League executive did not mince words. 'Oh, we know when it happens, it's going to be a s***show,' he said, of Newcastle's takeover. He was talking Saudi Arabian owners, murdered journalists, Amnesty International, protestors. You know, the usual.
Some nine weeks later, the only part of that statement appearing unreliable is the 'when'.
On Tuesday, from an office in Geneva, the World Trade Organisation are likely to deliver 130 pages of a report linking Newcastle's prospective owners with a broadcast piracy scam that directly impacts on Premier League rights.
Such is the nature of football's business that it is still considered unlikely Newcastle's sale will be blocked — the Government have run a mile from such action — but given the good news narrative of a positive investment in a famous club, and the removal of an unpopular custodian, it is taking a worrying length of time.