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Yankees: Jim Leyritz answers some questions about the ’96 team and his career

Marcus Guy:
Thank you for joining us!

Jim Leyritz:
Thank you for having me!

The highlight of your career was on October 23rd, 1996, game four of the World Series. What are your recollections of that event?
When you look back on it now, it has a completely different meaning than it did at that moment. At the moment, it was a huge home run that tied up the game, shifted the momentum of the game, and the series. When I look back on it now, I see what a huge home run that was because if we would have gotten beat by Atlanta in ’96 and they would have lost to Cleveland as they did at ’97, Joe Torre would’ve been fired, Mariano Rivera would have been traded and the amazing seasons that were 1998 and 1999, would not come to be.