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City backtracks on promise to build affordable housing units

Related Topics: Tower block, Affordable housing

The de Blasio administration is reneging on the city’s decade-old promise to replace parkland lost during the construction of the new Yankee Stadium in favor of a high-rise development.

The city’s Economic Development Corp. is pushing plans to build up to 1,045 units of market-rate and affordable housing as well as commercial space along a vacant four-acre lot on East 149th Street in The Bronx.

The area was long earmarked to be the last leg of the Mill Pond Park off the Harlem River.

Geoffrey Croft of the watchdog group NYC Park Advocates said the sleazy switcheroo “screams of Brooklyn Bridge Park all over again, where [some of the] waterfront parkland once promised to a neighborhood was taken away by government in favor of high-rise housing.