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A-Rod's storybook ending fizzles out


Marlins edge Yanks

Alex Rodriguez flies out for the final out in his hometown as the Yankees fall to the Marlins 2-1.

  • Wallace Matthews, ESPN Staff Writer Close
      Wallace Matthews has covered New York sports since 1983 as a reporter, columnist, radio host and TV commentator. He covers the Yankees for after working for Newsday, the New York Post, the New York Sun and ESPN New York 98.7 FM.
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      MIAMI -- If athletes could write the endings to their own stories, just about every one would write a variation of the one Alex Rodriguez experienced Monday night at Marlins Park: Two outs, ninth inning, visiting team down by a run, tying run on first, and visiting team's most dangerous hitter a prodigal son returned home no less, striding to the plate.