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The Importance of Jesper Fast to the Rangers lineup

Related Topics: Jesper Fast, Rangers F.C., Fasting

On every NHL roster it is important to have versatile players. Having players that can do multiple things allows a coach to be able to manipulate a lineup. There is not a player on the Rangers that epitomizes versatility like Jesper Fast.

Look here folks, personally I am a Jesper Fast Stan (extremely passionate fan)

Editor’s note: For those over 40 (like me) Stan is reference to an obsessive fan in an Eminem song.

*Shamless Twitter Plug Below*

Me anytime someone checks Jesper Fast

— Fast On the First (@Jtmarrero17) November 13, 2018

TO ME (again emphasis on this being my opinion) what number 17 brings to the team goes far beyond stats; advanced or traditional.