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Lindy Ruff Isn’t The Answer

The New York Rangers are in a tailspin. A 1-5-2 start has not only prompted the national media to begin questioning whether or not Alain Vigneault should still be around, but it’s also left the Rangers in a real danger of missing the playoffs.

Our good friend Miika did some work on this for you if you don’t believe me...

Only 3 teams in the 4-Divison era have started as bad as #NYR yet still made the PO:
13/14 PHI (1-7-0)
15/16 ANH (1-5-2)
13/14 NYR (2-6-0)— HockeyStatMiner (@HockeyStatMiner) October 20, 2017

In other words:
of the 64 teams to make the postseason in the current PO format, 61 of those 64 teams had at least 5 points in first 8 games— HockeyStatMiner (@HockeyStatMiner) October 20, 2017

Overall, here are the worst 8 starts to a season in the current PO format where the #NHL team still managed a playoff berth: pic.