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New York Mets social media correspondent Alyssa Rose talks team, coronavirus

Ben Meiselas of the YouTube channel MeidasTouch interviewed New York Mets social media correspondent Alyssa Rose on Monday.

Rose, who’s the daughter of Mets radio broadcaster Howie Rose, said it was impossible for her not to support the ballclub.

“I was a Mets fan before I was a baseball fan,” she said.

When asked about a memorable moment involving the Mets, she said, “Everyone can kind of pinpoint…the moment in their life when one or both of their parents became, like, superhuman to them…[mine was] June 30th, 2000. The Mets were playing the Braves, they were down a zillion…the Mets were making like a crazy comeback and [my dad] looked at me and said [Mike] Piazza on the first pitch is going to hit a home run and we’re going to win this thing.