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Why Villanova’s Jay Wright took a pass on Knicks interview

Jay Wright gave the Knicks the Seinfeld “it’s not you, it’s me” line.

When the Villanova coach’s agent, Carl Hirsch, told him the Knicks had expressed interest in talking to him about their then-vacant head-coaching position, Wright was flattered. However, he told his agent to tell the Knicks thanks, but no thanks.

“It’s not that you’re not interested, I just don’t want to leave,” Wright told The Post on Tuesday. “It’s the Knicks. You love the Garden, you love New York City, you love the Knicks. I just know I don’t want to leave Villanova.”

“I love my job,” added the 56-year-old Wright, who was at the annual BTIG Charity Day in Manhattan, where athletes and celebrities acted as guest stock traders taking calls from clients to raise money for different charities.