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Maybe all the Knicks' offense needs is more Derrick Williams!?

New York's most controversial summer signing could be the agent of chaos the offense desperately needs.

The Knicks play at the seventh-slowest pace in the NBA, averaging 94 possessions per 48 minutes. A slow pace in and of itself isn't a problem. But the Knicks aren't just slow, they're inefficient. Every team below their pace has a better true shooting percentage.


NYK 94.2 .517
SAS 93.8 .557
MIA 93.8 .536
TOR 93.6 .541
CLE 93.5 .550
MIL 93.3 .528
UTA 91.8 .524

The Knicks are below-average from the field (43%) and downtown (34%); a year ago they were43% and 35%.