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Behind the first years of SLAM with former writer Joe Grossberg

Related Topics: Patrick Ewing

If you have been paying attention and reading Posting & Toasting this offseason, then you must have stumbled upon some of our ongoing Knickslammed series covering the New York Knicks as they appeared in different printed issues of SLAM magazine.

If you have not, please do so.

One of the latest posts I wrote for the series, touched on Patrick Ewing’s 1997 season with the Knicks, one sandwiched between the NBA Finals the franchise reached in the mid and late ‘90s.

As fate had it, the writer of that issue’s Salamadamonth section discussing Pat’s dunk on Alonzo Mourning was also avid P&T reader Joe Grossberg, who worked for the SLAM during the first few years the magazine was around and trying to establish itself among the media landscape.